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Telenet TV 2.0

The challenge

How can Telenet TV become a gateway for all available content?

In recent years, the range of local and international content has been constantly expanding. Not only has the number of streaming services increased, but more and more channels have also developed their own platforms to offer additional content. This is a positive development for users, but it can also lead to them losing track of the sometimes overwhelming array of choices.

Telenet asked us: how can we assist people in making a selection from this vast array of content? What role can or should we play in this evolving landscape? And are we the designated party to provide the overview that users are yearning for?

The solution

Telenet TV as the starting point of the content journey

After an extensive strategy process in collaboration with the customer, Telenet TV was converted to a platform that brings together content from channels and streaming services in one single place. From the most popular content of VRT Max, VTMGo and GoPlay to the complete offering of Streamz, Amazon Prime Video, and Disney+: Telenet customers now only need their Telenet TV box to discover content that matches their interests.

"No hassle, just watch" is the motto. A win-win for everyone: users can explore more content, while Telenet positions itself as the starting point of the content journey, thereby increasing engagement – as people can now more easily access rental movies and the Streamz offering.

The result

“Channels”: an inspirational hub for broadcasters’ on-demand content

The “Channels” section inspires Telenet customers with content that has been broadcasted in the past 7 days (or earlier). Users can also browse an overview of all content per broadcaster or search for programs and movies in a specific genre. Within this section, all content on pages like “Discover”, “Shows”, “Movies”, and “Kids” is free. Additionally, it's always clear which channel the content originates from. By organizing the content to inspire across various channels and days, “Channels” becomes a user-friendly alternative to the traditional TV guide.

The “Channels” section is an inspirational hub for broadcasters’ on-demand content.

“Streaming”: a gathering place for movies and series from paid (streaming) services

Through “Streaming”, Telenet customers enter an environment where they can discover both their own and other streaming services. We have also found a way to integrate the former “Films à la Carte” or rental movies from Telenet TV into this zone. Here too, it is clear for users which content comes from which partner. The “Discover” page highlights the content that is most relevant in their area. However, they can also explore series and movies per streaming service or browse through the Telenet rental movie offerings using the “Rental Movies” menu item.

“Streaming”: a gathering place for movies and series from paid (streaming) services.

Our approach

Creating small worlds for broadcasters

The path to the new platform was paved by a simple idea. In response to Telenet's request to attract more content, we proposed the concept of “branded pages”. Broadcasters were given the opportunity to integrate small worlds around their brand into Telenet TV as part of the then-existing “TV-theek”, where users could access additional content. This allowed us to bridge the gap between broadcasters' own platforms and the experience within Telenet TV.

After receiving approval from the broadcasters, Telenet built advertising models to connect their ad server with those of other parties. This way, advertisements on the broadcasters' platforms could also be displayed in the new Channels section of Telenet TV.

Defining a new role for Telenet

With the addition of the Channels section, there was some overlap within Telenet TV: the content available in the Channels section partially coincided with what could be found in the “TV-theek”, “TV Guide”, and the “Apps” tab. And since there’s already so much content available today, users needed clarity. Moreover, many people associated the “TV-theek” with paid content, which they preferred to avoid. This led to the question: how can we better structure and optimize the available content? As a solution, we explored the possibility of making Telenet TV the starting point of the entire content journey. This includes not only content from broadcoasters, but also from streaming services.

Together with Telenet, we arrived at a new role for Telenet TV: that of a “curator”. A guide that assists people through the vast array of content, without the content necessarily being owned by Telenet. Telenet TV simply becomes the gateway to finding content that suits the user’s interests. Instead of first deciding which streaming service to use, people can now directly choose the content they want to watch through Telenet TV – regardless of which company provides that content.

Together with Telenet, we arrived at a new role for Telenet TV: that of a “curator”. A guide that assists people through the vast array of content, without the content necessarily being owned by Telenet.

Validating and shaping the concept

To enhance the platform's success, we conducted a comprehensive validation process. Initially, we refined our concept by leveraging insights we had organically acquired over time. These insights were then combined with feedback collected through multiple validation rounds. To ensure that users could effectively organize and understand the extensive content, they tested two prototypes of the 'Telenet TV as a content guide' concept and provided feedback. In the final validation round, we tested a refined concept that combined the best characteristics of both previous concepts. This allowed us to fine-tune the platform, ensuring its clarity, comprehensibility, and the adequacy of its content.

Services offered

  • Business design
  • Service & UX design
  • UI design

Our impact

A long-lasting, maintainable solution

The switch from Telenet TV as a “content platform” to Telenet TV as a “content guide” is arguably one of the most significant interventions in the television world in at least a decade. It is crucial that this change remains viable in the coming decades. Innovation is not just about change; it is about change that is long-lasting and maintainable. That's exactly why we have already contemplated future collaborations with other streaming services and a gradual transition from old Telenet TV boxes to the new platform. By doing so, we have managed to create a solution that will last for years to come, based on a trusting relationship with our client.

As a long-term partner in Business Design and UX Strategy, Craftzing helped us in understanding how we could guide our customers in the content jungle of tv-shows, series and movies. Through the introduction of the 'Zenderzone' and the 'Streamingzone', they also brought these new ways ways of engaging with that content to life.

Meanwhile, the revamped Telenet TV platform is now live for a significant number of customers. Initial data shows that the adjustments are well-received, and users navigate easily through the new zones “Streaming” and “Channels”. The menu changes and visual adaptations have also had a positive impact on the usage of streaming services and the revenue from rental movies. In the coming period, we will continue to closely monitor the data to make necessary adjustments to the platform when needed.